Wednesday, February 13, 2013

pillow talk

Today's inspiration comes courtesy of pillow talk

Instead of asking each other questions in bed (I'm sure we'd both drift off within the first few minutes), I typed up an actual survey. My husband and I are each filling out our own copies tonight; we will trade off tomorrow to see how the other person answered the questions.

Here is a list of the questions I included in the survey:

I love it when you wear this outfit: _______________________
I love it when you wear this cologne/perfume: _______________________
One of my favorite memories of us:  _______________________
A place I'd like to travel to with you one day:  _______________________
A time when I felt proud of you:  _______________________
An activity I'd like to try with you someday:  _______________________
A movie that reminds me of you:  _______________________
How I describe you to other people:  _______________________
Three qualities I love about you:  _______________________
If you could guarantee you could change one thing about yourself, this is what I would want you to change:  _______________________
If I could spend up to $10,000 on anything right now, this is what I would buy:  _______________________
What my first date was like:  _______________________
If I could change anything about myself, I would change:  _______________________
Three things you could do to make me happier in our marriage:  _______________________
Three celebrities I think are attractive:  _______________________
A sexual position I'd like to try:  _______________________
A prop I'd like to use in the bedroom:  _______________________
A sexual fantasy I'd like to try:  _______________________
I would be content having sex ________ times per week.

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